Yellowbrick Website

The Yellowbrick Website is the best way to find your next profitable stock investment.

It has a feed of the best stock pitches (with search and filters), leaderboards of the most profitable investors and stock pitches, and much more!

Website Walkthrough

Stock Pitch Feed Filters

Easily search and filter the stock pitches to research a specific stock or filter the feed to find the perfect stock pitches for your investment style.

Real-Time Stock Pitch Feed

A feed of all of the stock pitches in our database. It gets updated with the new stock pitches as soon as they are added to the database (free subscribers have a 30-day delay).

Each stock pitch includes:

  • the ticker of the stock being pitched

  • whether the stock pitch is bearish or bullish

  • info about the stock

  • info about the investor who pitched the stock

  • the average returns of the investor

  • the current return of the stock pitch

  • the summary of the stock pitch

  • a link to the original stock pitch

Stock Pitch

Elite Investor Feed

A special feed of stock pitches only from the most profitable investors in the Yellowbrick database.

Elite Investors Stock Pitch Feed

Big Money Stock Pitch Feed

A special feed of stock pitches only from profitable investment funds (like hedge funds).

Big Money Stock Pitch Feed

Top Investors Leaderboard

A leaderboard of the most profitable investors based on their previous stock pitches (click on their names to go to their Investor Profile).

Top Investors Leaderboard

Stock Pitch Leaderboard

A leaderboard of the most profitable stock pitches (with a filter to change the timeframe).

Stock Pitch Leaderboard

Investor Profile

Every investor in our database has a profile page with a short bio, links to their website/Twitter account, their historic returns, and a feed of all of their stock pitches.

Investor Profile

Stock Page

Search for a specific stock to get info about what the company does, important financial info, and a feed of all of the pitches for that stock.

Stock page